Welcome to the website of
The Friends of Talacre Town Green
We are a dedicated group of volunteers working to preserve this valued green space to meet the needs of our diverse urban community
Our aims:
To ensure that Talacre Town Green (also named Talacre Gardens) is adequately maintained and that repairs, alterations and improvements are made in keeping with the wishes and aspirations of the local residents and open space users.
To propose schemes and ideas for the improvement and maintenance of the open space and to promote its beauty, wildlife, security and community interest.
To involve the entire community improving Talacre Town Green, including well-wishers from outside the locality .
To conserve the natural plant and wildlife and to encourage public access without discrimination or detriment to the enjoyment of the space users and to ensure that the existing and future by-laws are adhered to.
To keep Talacre Town Green open, unbuilt upon and by all lawful means prevent, resist and abate all encroachment and to protect it and preserve it as an open space.
Would you you like to join us and help improve your local park?
Please get in touch via talacrefriends.org.uk@gmail.com if you are interested and we will get back to you. More information can be found by clicking here.
Friends' committee meeting held 11 December 2024
See meetings page for minutes - click here
Please get in touch via talacrefriends.org.uk@gmail.com if you are interested in becoming a member.
Camden Nature Corridor
Click here for more information on bringing the nature of Hampstead Heath into Kentish Town and Talacre.
Photos of Talacre past and present
Want to register and protect an open space as a town green?